Your thermostat is a crucial part of your cooling system because it tells your air conditioner exactly when it’s needed. If something goes wrong with it, or if it is not installed properly, it can have a huge effect on how comfortable you feel in your home. Below are some of the most common Thermostat Issues and how to resolve those. As noted on thermostat issues are one of the most common issues with your HVAC system.
Here are five thermostat issues and symptoms that provide homeowners the clues needed to get your HVAC unit fixed quickly.

1. The Heater or Air Conditioner Refuses to Start
A wiring defect that causes the thermostat to lose its connection to the home’s heating and cooling system may be the issue. Additionally, it could be reading temperatures incorrectly and not turning heating or cooling on when needed.
Either way, these symptoms require the expertise of an HVAC professional to assess the cause of your heater/air conditioner’s malfunctioning to get your home HVAC system up and running once again.
2. Air Conditioner Runs Constantly and Won’t Turn Off
Another sign is if your AC runs perpetually without turning off. Once again, the cause of this malfunction could be that the wiring that turns heating and cooling off has broken or the thermostat is miscalibrated and is sending the wrong instructions to the HVAC system.
3. Changing the Batteries Did Not Help
If a thermostat is acting strangely, a change of batteries may be all that is needed. If you change the batteries and it is still unresponsive, it is time to contact a Las Vegas HVAC professional to troubleshoot the issue further.
4. There Are Differing Temperatures Throughout the Home
If rooms in the house substantially vary in temperature, this variance could be a sign that something is not working as intended. These temperature shifts occur when a thermostat switches the HVAC system on and off when it is not supposed to do so. As a result, rooms in the home that are furthest from the central unit will not receive an even distribution of the desired temperature for the home.
5. The Thermostat Has No Power or Is Unresponsive
One of the telltale signs that a thermostat is beginning to malfunction is when adjusting the temperature lever produces no change in home temperature. You may also want to watch out for an unlit display light or an unresponsive interface.
Ultimately, all technology falters at some point and needs to be replaced. Understanding the warning signs gives you time to prepare.
Four things to look for when performing Air Conditioner thermostat troubleshooting to find and resolve your Thermostat Issues

1. Is your thermostat receiving power?
If your thermostat is shutting on and off or if its backlight isn’t working properly, the first thing you’ll want to check is whether or not it is receiving adequate power. Thermostats can receive power from batteries and your cooling system, so you’ll want to ensure that power is coming from both of those sources. First, check to see whether or not a circuit has tripped and caused your unit to lose power. Once you’ve determined that everything is fine with your circuits, replace the batteries in your thermostat with a fresh set.
2. Is your thermostat mounted properly on your wall?
In order to get an adequate reading of your home’s temperature, your thermostat must be mounted properly on your wall. If your thermostat is giving faulty readings, first use a bubble level to check to see whether or not it is straight on the wall. If it’s not, adjust it accordingly. Also, make sure that your thermostat is mounted at least five feet from the ground.
3. Is your thermostat near sources of hot or cool air?
Your thermostat won’t get a proper reading of your home’s temperature if it’s near any sources of hot or cool air. Make sure to keep your thermostat away from vents, windows, direct sunlight, appliances and anything else that can influence the temperature around it.
4. Is your thermostat dirty?
Dirt buildup is a problem for any part of your cooling system, including your thermostat. If your thermostat is malfunctioning, open the cover and gently clean any dirt that has built up on the inside of it.
If you have any questions about air conditioner thermostat troubleshooting, or if you’d like your cooling system serviced by a high-quality contractor, call Bayside AC.
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