How often should I change my filter?
Most disposable mesh or pleated filters require changing once per month. Some of the extended use 5” media filters such as the Perfect Fit, Space Guard and April Aire can go 6 to 12 months before changing.
What size system do I need to cool my house?
Many factors are used to determine the proper size such as square footage, construction materials, insulation R values, window location, roof covering material, building exposure, door sizes and other factors specific to the dwelling.
Why should I change my filter?
Clogged filters are the leading cause of equipment failures and poor system performance. Dirty filters can reduce the amount of air crossing the evaporator coil, this will diminish the air flow through the duct system requiring the fan motor to work harder and consume more energy. This can lead to burned out motors, higher electric bills and unwanted service calls, high
humidity can promote microbial growth (mold & mildew) in the air handler which can spread through the duct system.
What is SEER?
SEER is an acronym for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. This is a measurement of the energy efficiency of an air conditioner. SEER rating calculations take into consideration seasonal weather conditions and temperature fluctuations. Like Miles Per Gallon in vehicles, the higher the SEER rating, the more efficient the unit will operate. Government regulations require at least 14.00 SEER for newly installed systems.
What’s the difference between a heat pump and an air conditioner?
With a standard air conditioner, when heat is required air is blown across the electric heating elements and warm air is delivered throughout your home. A heat pump is a reverse cycle air conditioner so instead of blowing hot air outside and cold air inside it reverses this to heat your home. This results in up to 70% savings over standard electric heating elements.
The air produced from my heat pump doesn’t seem very hot.
Heat pumps will not produce air as hot as a furnace or electric heating element. Typically, a heat pump will achieve temperatures between 95-120 degrees. This may require the system to run longer to initially heat a cold house, but will use substantially less electricity and will maintain temperature quite well.
How should I maintain my air conditioner to extend its operating life?
Have your AC system serviced at least once per year, though most manufacturers suggest performing maintenance twice per year. During the maintenance service, your technician will ensure that both the evaporator (indoor) and the condenser (outdoor) coils are clean. All electrical connections should be tightened and voltage and amperage draw should be notated. Checking refrigerant levels, clearing drain line and drain pans and testing the system in heating and cooling are also vital points of a preventative maintenance service call. We offer a preventative maintenance program to ensure your system runs properly and efficiently.