Indoor Air Quality, Filtration, & Purification
Recent advances in indoor air systems have really made a difference in recent years and not just for allergy sufferers. As homes and businesses become more energy efficient, they can also trap stale air along with the particulates and pathogens it carries. Bayside has a complete line of equipment that completes any HVAC system that performs a variety of functions to capture dust and pet dander as well as disinfect air before it is circulated. Whether adding to your existing HVAC system or designing complete heating and air conditioning system for a new or existing building, Bayside experts can help you incorporate the latest technology for superior indoor air quality.
An efficient Air Cleaning & purification system will help control biological contaminants such as mold, allergens, viruses, and bacteria.

Why Is Your Air Important?
Pollutants building up in your home can result in not only unpleasant odors but also serious health issues, including these:
- Headaches
- Fatigue
- Sore eyes
- Burning nose
- Worsening allergies
- Respiratory issues
- Flu-like symptoms
- Other serious, long-term conditions
What Can Cause Indoor Air Issues?
There are many factors that contribute to a decrease in indoor air quality:
- Smoking
- Indoor pets
- Pollen
- Dust Mites
- Radon
- Inadequate whole-house ventilation
- Improperly vented combustion appliances and fireplaces, which generate carbon monoxide
- Mold and mildew resulting from moisture damage and high humidity
- VOCs from chemical cleaning products, paint, and pesticides
- Building materials containing asbestos, formaldehyde, and lead
- High temperature and humidity can also increase the levels of some pollutants
Latest Technology For Improving Indoor Air Conditions
There’s a simple device that’s easy to install on any residential HVAC unit to get improved air quality. The Bayside HD 5000 Air Sanitizer, is a device that uses the UltraViolet system to kill bacteria and viruses both in the air and on any surface. The device also eliminates odors from food, pets, and furniture giving your home a fresh and healthy smell. Large hotel and restaurant chains, cruise ships, and hospitals worldwide rely on this technology to provide the best possible indoor air quality available today. Call Bayside today to learn how effective the Bayside HD 5000 Air Sanitizer is and how it can improve air quality in your home.
Whole Home Air Filtration Systems

A particulate air filter is a device composed of fibrous or porous materials which removes solid particulates such as dust, pollen, mold, and bacteria from the air. Filters containing an adsorbent or catalyst such as charcoal (carbon) may also remove odors and gaseous pollutants such as volatile organic compounds or ozone. Air filters are used in applications where air quality is important.
High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA), originally called high-efficiency particulate absorber but also sometimes called high-efficiency particulate arresting, is a type of air filter. Filters meeting the HEPA standard have many applications, including use in clean rooms for IC fabrication, medical facilities, automobiles, aircraft and homes. The filter must satisfy certain standards of efficiency such as those set by the United States Department of Energy (DOE). When air is forced through the fine mesh of a HEPA filter, it captures airborne particles like pollen, pet dander, dust mite debris, and even tobacco smoke. The mesh filter is made of extremely fine glass fiber.
It was traditional to use a 1-inch air filter in HVAC installations. Unfortunately, most people do not change these filters regularly, as required, to keep the system operating efficiently. New systems should be using filters with more surface area. Bayside AC recommends the Aprilaire cleaners and filters for getting the best air quality possible.
Whole Home Air Filtration
As the name implies you can have a whole house air filtration system. These are designed to clean the air for your whole house – not just one room. You can also find portable air purifiers that are designed for just one room.
Air Purifiers
Investing in top quality air filters and changing them as directed goes a long way towards improving indoor air quality. An air filter alone cannot enhance air quality. For that, you need a unit like one from Bayside. These units capture dust, pet dander, and other particulates. In addition, they also have germicidal technology that disinfects the air. This will rid it of bacteria, viruses and other pathogens.

Often these systems are a combination of air purifiers and air filtration systems to give you the best quality air possible in a residential building. Some of these purifiers use different technologies to kill bacteria, mold, and viruses. They also can reduce odors and VOCs (chemical odors). One of the units we recommend is the Bayside HD400 Guardian QR+. This unit includes UV treatment and it sends oxidizers into the room to destroy the pollutants at the source, in the air, and on the surface, before they can reach your family. This unit helps to eliminate sick building syndrome. It uses friendly oxidizers composed of Ionized Hyrdro-peroxides, Superoxide ions, and Hydroxide ions.
Bayside AC technicians are excited to address your HVAC questions, concerns, and needs. Our local teams are well versed in the following vital home cooling system jobs:
- Air Conditioner Maintenance – Preventative maintenance designed to keep your air conditioner functioning at full capacity and to detect potential problems
- Air conditioner Repair – Affordable repair services that’ll cool your home in no time.
- Air conditioner Replacement – When your air conditioner is old and tired, we’re only a phone call away!
- Ductless split AC systems – Our local technicians can help you find the best solution to any hot problem.
- Duct cleaning – Let Bayside technicians clean and disinfect your home’s air duct system.
- Duct installation – Let us design a proper duct system for your home to maximize cooling and efficiency.